Episode 029: “Data Validation in a Crystal Ball”

In this episode, we shed some light on the topic “data validation” from the providers perspective. In fact it is part II of that topic, because we already covered it from our point of view in episode 20 (watch that one here: https://youtu.be/Ta_otgjTrs0)

The goal of data validation is to clean existing lists of email addresses from malicious ones (e.g. non-existing addresses, Hardbounces, Spamtraps, Typo-addresses). The real-time validation can also help to prevent new bad addresses to enter the list. Good lists contribute to a better reputation ultimately ensuring better email deliverability.

Our guest Ahmadullah Aminy gives some valuable insights, what data validation services can provide, how they work, what the limitation is and finally how GDPR influenced the business model.

For the sake of respecting our viewers feedback, I tried to limit the length of this episode to 8 minutes and almost succeeded 😉

Starring: Anthony Mitchell, Florian Vierke
Edits: Florian Vierke
Guest: Ahmadullah Aminy
Music: Woodkid – Run Boy Run

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